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“Let ’em die”: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Labrador (Online Lecture)

Anne Budgell

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During the second wave of the pandemic of “Spanish” influenza in 1918, the virus was brought to the coast of Labrador at the end of the fishing and shipping season. People started dying days after the last vessels sailed away for the long winter. Word of the disaster did not reach the outside world for months.

Please join us online as Anne Budgell discusses how the flu arrived, why it was so deadly to Labrador’s population, and how missionaries and government officials later explained the events that killed 70% of the Inuit inhabitants of Okak and Hebron. Anne’s presentation is based on her recent publication, We All Expected to Die: Spanish Influenza in Labrador 1918-1919.

Thursday, 25 February 2021, 7:30 pm