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Newfoundland and Labrador Historical Society Statement on the First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The Newfoundland and Labrador Historical Society recognizes and commemorates this first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  The Society joins members all across the province in honouring the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families, and communities.  We encourage everyone to reflect on the history of residential schools and recognize the long shadow it casts on our present.

Innu-aimun translation of NL Historical Society Statement on the First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

Ne Newfoundland mak Labrador nastuatumut nenu shashish kaishiniunant mak ishpitentumut nenu enush tshenistuatikinit ne tshishuk ntshe auentshe shashish kaiakuiakanit nte katshishkutimatsheutshuapit nenu kauapukeshintshi. Ntshe mamu katat shashish nte Newfoundland mak Labrador ishpitentimut nenu kakainiuant auassa mak ntshe eshku kainiuant nutshish. Ntshe kaitutentshi nte katshishkutimatsheutshuapit, nenu uikaishuau mak utenamuat. Nutem auen nui itashumanant tshetshi tshisitak shashish kaishinipinit auassa mak tshetshi nastuatak etutakuiak nutshish kashikat. 

Inuttut translation of NL Historical Society Statement on the First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

Newfoundland Labradorilu Siagutsuanitaligijet katimajingit ilitatsivut ikKaumadlugillu sivullipâmik Silatsualimâmi Ulluk Sulijunik IkKaumajauningillu IlinniaviliattitauKattasimajut.  katimajet ilauKatauvut kiggatuttinut  ilonnainit prâvinsimit nittulugit asiusimajut suguset ullumilu suli Inojut aullatitauKattasimajut ilinniavinut, ilangillu, nunangillu.  Ilonnainik ikKaumakKujivugut piusiusimajunik ilinniavini aullatitausimadlutik ammalu ilitagillugu akuninit piusiusimalittut takutsait ullumimunut.