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North Atlantic Crossroads: The Royal Air Force Ferry Command Gander Unit, 1940-46

Darrell Hillier

Hanger 20 (002)

During the Second World War, Gander was a bustling hub of aviation, as thousands of bombers passed through the airport on their way to Britain.

Please join us on Thursday, February 24th as aviation historian Darrell Hiller presents the evolution of Gander airport, its strategic role during the Second World War, and the challenges and hazards of transatlantic aircraft ferrying. Hiller will highlight activities related to salvaging downed aircraft throughout the island (sometimes with community involvement) and some of the incomparable personalities at the unit (some Nflders). In the postwar period, Gander transitioned from a military base to a service centre for commercial transatlantic air travel and thereupon became the crossroads of the North Atlantic.

Watch the Lecture at: North Atlantic Crossroads: The Royal Air Force Ferry Command Gander Unit, 1940-46