Kathryn Pike
Newfoundland Historical Society, St. John's, NL
31 p. : ill
(Newfoundland Historical Society Pamphlet No. 9)
ISBN: 0-919095-83-6
Regular Retail Price: $4.00
Reduced price for all purchasers, including wholesalers and book retailers [when bought through the Society's office, no sales tax applies]: $1.50
Kathryn Pike, B.A., B.Ed, in 1985 was a school teacher and historian; her main research interest was in the history of the Knights of Columbus.
“The work takes the reader through the development of the Knights of Columbus in Newfoundland from its founding in Harbour Grace, 1909, to the present day. It includes such matters as the founding of the various local Knights of Columbus councils across the province, important events in K of C history such as the Golden Rosary and the “bogus oath” and the religious and charitable activities of the Knights.”
— David J. Davis, Newfoundland Quarterly, v.83(4), Spring 1988