David B. Quinn
Newfoundland Historical Society, St. John's, NL
32 p: illus, map
(Newfoundland Historical Society Pamphlet No. 7)
ISBN: 0-919095-42-9
Regular Retail Price: $4.00
Reduced price for all purchasers, including wholesalers and book retailers [when bought through the Society's office, no sales tax applies]: $1.50
David Quinn in 1983 was professor of history at St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Andrew Geddes and John Ruskin Professor Emeritus of Modern History, University of Liverpool; and an honorary graduate of Memorial University. One of the foremost historians of the English expansion overseas to the New World in the 16th and 17th centuries.
“…a considerable number of books and articles are being published in commemoration [of the quadracentenary of Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s visit to Newfoundland]. Professor Quinn’s is among the best. … Quinn sets himself two tasks: to provide a biographical essay on Gilbert’s life, and to assess the significance of his famous voyage to the future history of Newfoundland.”
— Dr. Keith Matthews, Atlantic Provinces Book Review, v.10(2), Sep/Oct 1983
“…scholarly treatment… One cannot but admire the skill with which Quinn compresses such a wealth of information into so small a package. The narrative is complete, yet analytical.”
— Olaf Janzen, Newfoundland Quarterly, v.8(2) Fall 1985