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Wordsworth’s Nephew in Labrador 1853-1867: Part II

Marie Wadden

The inscription William and Mary Wordsworth wrote to their nephew, Rev. George Hutchinson.

Last year, Marie Wadden introduced us to Rev. George Hutchinson and his famous English family, including the poet William Wordsworth. It is thanks to his “uncle Wordsworth” that we know heartbreak (the mysterious Miss R.) may have driven Hutchinson across the Atlantic. But what happened when he got here? What happened after Bishop Edward Feild sailed away on his Mission ship “The Hawk” in July 1853, having dropped the young Englishman off at Battle Harbour and a way of life unlike anything Hutchinson ever imagined?

Author Marie Wadden has been able to piece together Hutchinson’s life from cradle to grave. His letters home make him an important witness to mid-19th century Labrador in particular. His admiration for the strength and resilience of his parishioners kept him on the job in southern Labrador far longer than his bishop thought possible, especially for a young man accustomed to much privilege.